Here's a bit I wrote on the Camino De Santiago picked up by the Chicago Sun-Times.
Life is smooth and swell in the land of 10,000 Lakes
Minneapolis, MN
Have Beard; Will Travel

Alas, the transformation underlying the recent eclipse season has completely overhauled daily life over here in Woodside. People are moving, shifting and altering their patterns left right and centre. And, in line with the trend, we're packing up for a couple of months and getting the heck outta here.
Destination: the secluded woods of Minnesota.
Whereas people who go to 'Montana' to live in a cabin turn out to be the Unabomber and whatnot, cabin fever in Minnesota is generally a far less criminal escapade.
New York has been a phenomenal time; wild, electric and transforming, sometimes a little too much. Having 14 planes scream over our apartment roof en route to LaGuardia between the hour of 10 and 11 in the PM gets a little overbearing after a while.
The plan is to get away from the big city madness and counter it with a rendezvous with the natural world in a cabin on a secluded lake.
Stargazing, soul nourishing, writing, painting, creating, guitaring, blaring sax through the woods, zenning out, fishing and - judging from Sarah's father's proclivity towards firearms - a decent few rounds of shooting.
It's a recipe for a good life.
So consider this a little breather from regular proceedings as i get all Bon Iver and lock myself away for a while.
The beard is rife and ready for the challenge.
And Remember: Life's too short to not be making love, making art or making a difference. Free your Henri Lee...
I'll be back when i'm back.
Mullets in Cricket
Nuggets of Australiana continue to be a welcome diversion to shake oneself from the oft over-politically-correct and irony-bankrupt American consciousness. I have my good pal the Rev to thank for this one. Knowing all too well my penchant for long, luscious neck blankets and 80s ear party moolays, this contribution focusses on the illustrious and much romanticised history of the mullet in cricket circles.
Mullets are reasonably rife here in Queens, a hotbed of hispanic ape drapes. The rest of New York, not so much.
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